The three CTBC Business School scholarship recipient for overseas study program attended a career advisory seminar organized by CTBC Financial Holding to learn more about the obligations and recruitment of the MA (Management Associate) and ACM (Assistant Credit Analysis Manager) positions offered by CTBC Holding.
After attending the seminar, the students shared their excitement and how they were encouraged to absorb and discover a different study environment and local living style for their live in Japan this fall. The representatives from CTBC Holding also advised them to enhance depth of visions by interacting with peers and stepping out of their comfort zone to explore without worrying the language barrier. Also reminded to use SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) to analysis and evaluate oneself to restore abilities in order to connect with the goals and career plans they have set.
The International Affairs Center wish these students for the best to engage themselves in action of what they learned and return with a fruitful overseas study experience.
Three CTBC students participate the advisory seminar of the study abroad program held in CTBC Financial Holding, Taipei